American Patriot Buddy Brown Parodies Rainbow Capitalism and Child Grooming During Pride Month with Country Song "Everything's Gay in June"

"If y’all didn’t know, I’ll explain it to you
, you’re all right wing bigots if you’re not into dudes"

And so begins Buddy Brown's "Everything's Gay in June" a song which satirically calls out the phenomenon of cancel culture and rainbow capitlaism in June, where Pride month begins and every corporation becomes super gay to increase their profits. While selling to the LGBTQ+ community has been an industry for a while now, parents are now increasingly concerned about their rights for their children to not be exposed to inappropriate sexual content and products during Pride month. Buddy Brown sums it up here:

"Move over you straight folks and give us your children to groom, because everything’s gay in June"

The songs is a fiddle based country ballad and the lyrics (as you can tell) are forthcoming in their directness. Buddy Brown call out brands associated with various Pride Month promotions, especially ones targeted at children like Disney, Target but also other brands such as Apple, Lids,Levi Jeans, Skittles, and products on QVC and reruns of "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy".

Ultimately, Buddy Brown sums it up by saying that the month of June has become: "as queer as a three dollar bill and Elton John's boots".

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