An American Beat About Upholding Traditional Values: A Review of "Conservative" by Forgiato Blow, Bezz Believe and Bryson Gray

"Conservative," a captivating hip-hop anthem by Forgiato Blow, Bezz Believe, and Bryson Gray, begins with a chipmunk soul sample that sets the tone for the song. The powerful intro adlib from Bezz Believe immediately establishes the theme: "They label me conservative. I put my faith in a higher power and maintain my traditional family values."

Bezz Believe's first verse delves into his experience as a patriotic American fighting against the Woke mob. With a nod to Tom Macdonald's "Fake Woke," he criticizes the shift in rap culture, highlighting Lil Nas X's Satanic antics and expressing a longing for the days when artists like Nas focused on lyrical prowess. He points out the issues America faces, such as the lack of clean tap water, and emphasizes the importance of upholding traditional Godly values, rooted in faith.

Forgiato Blow echoes these sentiments, questioning the erosion of family values and paying tribute to the brave men and women serving in the military. He takes a stand against the sexualization of children by certain entities, calling out Disney, and expresses concern about the influence of the LGBTQ community on the White House. With passionate conviction, he throws shade at Hunter Biden's hypocritical struggles with substance abuse while emphasizing his own conservative beliefs.

Bryson Gray continues the narrative, emphasizing his reliance on faith in the face of material wealth and expressing his unwavering commitment to his principles. He criticizes Christians who shy away from speaking the truth and laments the misplaced faith placed in figures like Obama rather than God. Warning of the dangers posed by Satan's influence on the youth, he concludes by affirming his conservative stance.

Throughout the song, the music maintains a vibey and soulful atmosphere, perfectly complementing the reverent tone of the lyrics. The drums and bass contribute to the song's powerful energy, enhancing its impact as a conservative anthem.

"Conservative" unapologetically champions traditional values and offers a refreshing perspective within the hip-hop genre. Forgiato Blow, Bezz Believe, and Bryson Gray's unwavering commitment to their beliefs is evident in their thought-provoking lyrics and the song's engaging production. It serves as a testament to the resilience of conservative ideals in today's ever-changing world.

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