Chad Prather's Comedy Show Canceled in Kansas After Calling Out Kamala’s Fake Accent

Chad Prather, comedian, commentator and Baste Records recording artist, is the latest target of cancel culture after his show in Kansas was abruptly canceled. The move followed backlash from social media users, particularly on TikTok, after Prather mocked Vice President Kamala Harris for using a fake black accent during speeches.

In response, Prather posted on social media: “This is what happens when you mock the goddess Kamala for her fake ‘black accent’ and the TikTok mob comes after your career."

Prather’s frustration with cancel culture isn’t new, and he shared his thoughts with The American Beat: " The lifelong politician that appropriates culture and accents to pander to voters gets a free pass but the comedian that calls them out for doing so gets cancelled. That’s how backwards our way of thinking has become. When comedy venues bow to the woke mob they breathe life into something that would’ve died out on its own. Instead of putting their actual ticket buying audience first they pander to those who will never leave the basement to spend a dime."

Despite the cancellation, Prather remains undeterred, with new music on the way from Baste Records and an upcoming video addressing the situation. He promises to continue entertaining audiences who appreciate his humor and fearless commentary.

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