John Rich Cites Daniel 2:21 to Remind Us: Whether It's Trump or Kamala, God’s Hand Is at Work

John Rich Reminds Christians: God’s Plan is Bigger Than Politics

Country music star and outspoken Trump supporter John Rich recently took to Twitter to share a powerful biblical message. Quoting Daniel 2:21, Rich tweeted:

"He changes the times and seasons; He REMOVES kings and RAISES UP kings; He gives wisdom to the wise And knowledge to those with understanding."

He added his personal reflection: "If Trump wins, it's an act of God. If Kamala wins, it's an act of God. Christians better come to grips with this truth."

Rich, known for his patriotic values and vocal support for Donald Trump, makes a bold theological statement here, suggesting that no matter the outcome of the 2024 election, God’s will prevails. His message offers an important reminder to Christians: the Bible speaks to unity under God’s sovereignty, not division along political lines.

While the woke left often accuses conservative Christians of using religion to create division, Rich’s tweet points to a deeper truth. In the Bible, Daniel 2:21 reminds us that God is in control of the rise and fall of leaders—both good and bad—and that we must trust His divine wisdom. Rich’s point isn’t about who wins the next election but rather about having faith in the bigger picture, God’s plan, even if it doesn’t align with personal preferences.

For believers, this offers a sense of peace and unity in a time when the world is polarized. It also calls on Christians to approach the future with humility, knowing that, as Rich says, it’s all part of a divine plan, regardless of political outcomes. The message is clear: God’s plan transcends politics, and true unity comes from understanding His control over all things.

In a world that thrives on division, John Rich’s message is a timely reminder that faith should unite, not divide.

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