Mainstream LGBTQ+ Orthodoxy Upset That Twisted Sister Rocker Dee Snider Doesn't Want to Trans the Children

Dee Snider, lead singer of Twisted Sister, won't be taking it to San Francisco Pride this year after he voiced his support for a "transphobic" tweet by Kiss guitarist Paul Stanley. SF Pride had planned for "We're Not Gonna Take It" to be the "unofficial rallying cry" of the parade, but after Snider's comments, they decided to cancel his performance.

Snider, a longtime ally of the LGBTQ+ community, seemed to miss the memo that we're not going to take transphobia either. In response to Stanley's tweet, Snider wrote, "You know what? There was a time where I 'felt pretty' too," and suggested parents should "let the kid figure it out for themselves."

Dee recently released a letter on his facebook page where he expressed that "I was not aware the Transgender community expects fealty and total agreement with all their beliefs and any variation or deviation is considered 'transphobic,'".

Calling himself a "proud moderate", he is trying emphasize the importance of moderates who support the choices of the transgender community, even if they don't agree with every decision. He criticized some members of the transgender community for accusing supporters of transphobia, saying that it does not help their cause.

There were others who responded to Paul Stanley's tweet, including Winston Marshall, formerly of Mumford & Sons, who took a much stronger stance against transing the children.


What do you think? Should we trans the children? And if you are against it, does that make you transphobic? 



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