Traditional Banjoist Clifton Hicks Nails it with Kyle Rittenhouse Ballad: "He Fought in Self Defense"

In the realm of preserving the tradition of banjo ballads, Clifton Hicks has hit the sweet spot with his 2021 song, an unapologetic piece titled "Ballad of Kyle Rittenhouse". The song dives into the events surrounding Kyle Rittenhouse, doing so with a musical nod to the roots of American folk storytelling.

Hicks tells a vivid narrative which is line with the tradition of American banjo storytelling. He calls out the tumultuous events in Kenosha, Wisconsin, with an unflinching gaze. The lyrics unfold like a modern-day folk tale, chronicling the encounters with individuals like Joseph Rosenbaum, Anthony Huber, and Gaige Grosskreutz.

Set against the backdrop of the banjo's twang, the song mirrors the traditional ballad style. Hicks doesn't shy away from embracing the banjo's inherent ability to convey emotion, capturing the intensity of the incidents in every pluck and strum.

The chorus, declaring Rittenhouse's innocence and self-defense, serves as a refrain that echoes through the song. Mr. Clifton Hicks, in his casual yet compelling tone, respects the essence of the traditional banjo ballad. The stripped-down arrangement and straightforward storytelling align with the authenticity that defines this genre.

"Ballad of Kyle Rittenhouse" by Clifton Hicks is more than just a song; it's a contemporary exploration of a longstanding musical tradition. The lyrics are direct with the banjo's resonance and Hicks' commitment to the folk tradition make this piece a noteworthy addition to the library of classic American songs. 

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