There was a time when music had soul—when it could stir your spirit, spark a revolution, or even point you to something bigger than yourself. Think Elvis swaying the masses, Bob Marley preaching peace, or even punk’s raw howl against the machine. Now? It’s a dumpster fire of degeneracy and godlessness, and Scarlett Johnson from Moms for Liberty just handed us the latest exhibit.
At a get-out-the-vote rally for Wisconsin Supreme Court candidate Judge Susan Crawford, trans artist Laura Jane Grace—formerly of Against Me!—grabbed the mic and spewed this gem: “Does your God have a big fat [expletive]? Cause it feels like he’s [expletive] me.” Yeah, you read that right. Crude, blasphemous, and in-your-face—right there on a political stage.
Scarlett Johnson, who’s fighting to stop radical gender ideology from brainwashing kids, called it out: “Do we really want another woke white woman on the Wisconsin Supreme Court?” Good question. If this is the soundtrack of “progress”—a man in “womanface” mocking God with lyrics too crude to repeat—it’s a hard pass. Music’s not art anymore; it’s a megaphone for the godless and the gutless. Wake up, America.
Furthermore, this isn’t about one singer or one rally. It’s a symptom. The airwaves are clogged with sexed-up anthems, mindless beats, and artists who think shock is a substitute for talent. Where’s the reverence? Where’s the meaning? Laura Jane Grace can belt whatever she wants—free speech, sure—but when this garbage gets a spotlight at a judicial campaign event, it’s a sign we’ve let the bar drop too low. Johnson’s sounding the alarm: this is the sound of a culture rotting. Time to stop clapping for our own collapse.